Ask Pete
Ask Pete.
Pete Johnson is your neighbor. He is a founding member of Carbon Neutral Kent Woodlands who has been on a mission to get off of fossil fuels by “Electrifying” his life. He is a DIYer who has done it all while keeping an eye on his budget. He is here to answer your questions to help you do the same. Pete will take your questions and answer them on this blog. Neighbor to neighbor, he will share his hard earned expertise .
Send in your question and Pete will answer here.
Ask Pete.
He has done it all…on a budget, over time. Pete has converted a home built in 1959 that burned gas into an energy efficient all electric home that generates and stores the energy it uses. And he is willing to help you do the same. Ask him how about electric heat pumps, solar, batteries, electric fireplaces, EVs…and more.